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Soccer injuries – how to avoid them
You have read our article about common soccer injuries. You also know that prevention is better than cure. How do we do prevention? The literature currently suggests that injury prevention programs should include the following main elements: Plyometric exercises: Exercises that focus on using fast-twitch fibres by exerting maximum muscular force in short explosive movements. […]
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Severs Disease – A Sore Heel That’s A Pain For Your Child
Heel pain is a common complaint among adolescent children. We all want our kids to be active and healthy – but what do you do when keeping them active seems to be causing heel pain? Today we will be exploring a common cause of heel pain in the growing adolescent and child. What is it? […]
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Osgood Schlatters Disease – Knee Pain in Kids
There are many growth plate areas that can be irritated in adolescent children. We’ve written about Sever’s Disease before, another common area is the knee. This condition is known as Osgood Schlatters Disease or syndrome. Osgood Schlatters is a common cause of knee pain in adolescent children who are physically active. Boys are more likely to […]
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Talking To Your Child About Their Weight
I was having a rant recently, those who know me know that this is not a rare or isolated event. Anyway this particular rant was at one of my kids soccer matches and one of the mums asked me what I do, and then asked me “do you work with kids?” and then “how do […]
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Back-pack pain, a thing of the past?
The kids have been back a school for a few weeks now, and despite our best efforts those bags just seem to get heavier and heavier. We all want the best for our kids, so what is the best when it comes to school bags? Currently a large focus is being placed on finding the […]
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Feeding Fussy Eaters – For Parents With Better Things To Worry About
Susan Williams, dietician, hosted a series on Feeding Fussy Eaters – every busy parents worst nightmare! Here is a summary of just some of the gems that she shared. Healthy meals for everyone Mel: Just wondering how you go about setting out healthy meal plans ensuring that everyone eats the same meal……i.e not cooking separately […]
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Q & A with Susan Williams – A Supremely Talented Dietitian
Susan Williams, Accredited Dietitian and Health Counsellor participated in a Facebook Forum recently with our amazing community. The content was of such a high quality, that we wanted it to be available to everyone. Hi Susan, I’m having trouble getting my weight down even though I eat healthy foods and I don’t have large portions. […]
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Food Shame
I’ve confessed before that I have a terrible habit of eavesdropping on people’s conversations – not all conversations; that would be rude, just the diet related ones. Believe me there are enough of those to keep my flapping ears busy!! I was in a foodcourt last week and a father and son were sitting near […]
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The Secret to Eating Well ….
Don’t we love a secret? Or even better a conspiracy!! I think this is why we’ve become so enamoured with “superfoods” or “evil” ingredients that we must quit. So at the risk of bringing down the wrath of the Internet conspiracy theorists I am prepared to expose the secret to eating well. Are you sitting […]