Healthy Eating

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Lets talk about cramps

Almost everyone has had a cramp once in their lifetime. Cramps can occur when asleep, during sport or sometimes you may have to stop during an activity as a result of a cramp.  Two out of three athletes have experienced a cramp during sport. Usually a cramp can be felt in the calf muscle when […]

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Talking To Your Child About Their Weight

I was having a rant recently, those who know me know that this is not a rare or isolated event. Anyway this particular rant was at one of my kids soccer matches and one of the mums asked me what I do, and then asked me “do you work with kids?” and then “how do […]

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3 Essential Sports Nutrition tips when preparing for a Triathlon

Triathlon season. The warmer spring weather is well suited to this sport that involves swimming, cycling & running. For locals of the Nepean Blue mountains area, you may have heard about the Nepean Triathlon. This historic race has been running for over 35 years and is held over the weekend each year in late October. […]

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This week is National Diabetes Week and this year the focus is on diabetes related amputations. You can find out more about this campaign at Diabetes Australia. Around 1.7 million Australians have diabetes. This includes all types of diagnosed diabetes (1.2 million known and registered) as well as undiagnosed type 2 diabetes (up to 500,000 estimated). […]

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Winter Warmers – Recipes for Winter

A classic winter warmer. Beef and Red Wine Casserole 2 tablespoons olive oil 4 bacon rashers, trimmed, chopped 1 large brown onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 kg beef chuck steak, trimmed, cut into 3cm cubes 2 tablespoons plain flour 250mls (1 cup) red wine 375mls (1 1/2 cups) beef stock 1 x […]

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Love Your (Winter) Body

Hmmm so Winter is already here, I didn’t even get to say “Winter is coming” I’m not actually sure what it means anyway as I’ve only read half of the first Game of Thrones books. But I do know that earlier this week it was the coldest May morning in a number of years. Cold […]

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Hey kids it’s Mothers Day soon!

Hey kids it’s Mothers Day soon and you know what that means? Right? Breakfast in bed, a day of rest, reading, being waited on hand and foot followed by a delectable late lunch or earlier dinner surrounded by adoring family. Although it sounds indulgent it’s the least you could all do in recognition of the […]

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Coeliac Disease

It’s Coeliac Awareness Week!!  Condolences to you gluten challenged peeps!  Since gluten (along with sugar) seems to be a trendy thing to quit right now (without a medical reason) I thought it was worth having a look a bit more deeply at gluten and Coeliac Disease. Coeliac disease is not the same as wheat allergy.  […]

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Coeliac Disease and Exercise – Yes It Helps

First Up – What Is Coeliac Disease? Coeliac disease occurs when the immune system does not react normally to gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats) which causes malfunction of the bowel and intestines. As a result, less nutrients are absorbed into the body and symptoms develop relating to the digestive system. […]

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