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ACL rupture? You have options.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries are a common knee injury that we see in the clinic. While most people have some knowledge of what an ACL injury is, there are new options for management / treatment of these injuries other than the conventional surgical repair. What is the ACL? The ACL is one of the […]

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Over 40? If you are not already – it’s time to get moving!

If you have had an on and off relationship with exercise – now is most definitely NOT the time to give up. Exercise is important for people over 40 because it can help prevent a variety of health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It can also help improve bone density, which can […]

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Are stiff and sore knees stopping you from exercising?

Do you wake up with painful or stiff knees in the morning? Are you finding your daily walks or climbing stairs harder than usual? This is the blog for you! What is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. This joint disease is characterised by a break down in the cartilage (smooth […]

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Patellofemoral Dislocations

A patellofemoral dislocation is a common injury where your kneecap dislocates from the knee joint. In lay terms, your knee cap is no longer where it is supposed to be… Patellofemoral dislocation occurs more commonly as a sports injury, but 40% of the time, in non sports scenarios. In post instances, the kneecap predominantly dislocates […]

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Outer Knee Pain: Did your running increase during lockdown?

Did you increase your running distance, time or volume during lockdown and now find yourself with outer knee pain? If you have pain on the outside of your knee, the iliotibial band or ITB as it is commonly referred to could be the culprit. The condition, iliotibial band friction syndrome (ITBFS), is the most common […]

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Osgood Schlatters Disease – Knee Pain in Kids

There are many growth plate areas that can be irritated in adolescent children.  We’ve written about Sever’s Disease before, another common area is the knee. This condition is known as Osgood Schlatters Disease or syndrome. Osgood Schlatters is a common cause of knee pain in adolescent children who are physically active. Boys are more likely to […]

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Knees stiff or sore? Say NO MORE!

Do you wake up with painful or stiff knees in the morning? Are you finding your daily walks or climbing stairs harder than usual? This is the blog for you! What is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. This joint disease is characterised by a break down in the cartilage (smooth […]

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Jumpers knee – A ballers pain on and off the court

Have you noticed pain at the front of your knee that’s gradually getting worse while playing ball? Maybe you have even started to notice this pain off the court as well. You might be suffering from a common basketball injury known as ‘Jumpers knee’ (or, patella tendinopathy for the science folk). Just as the name […]

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Adolescent Lower Back Pain

Tom says, “I have been fortunate enough to start working with the Cronulla Sharks as the U20’s physio for the 2020 Jersey Flegg season. We are currently nearing the end of the pre-season with the players being put through their paces preparing for the season ahead. Throughout the year I will share some of the […]