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Exercise and Cancer Recovery
There are more than 120,000 new cases of cancer diagnosed yearly in Australia. The burden of cancer is well known in Australia with current predictions indicating that 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85 years. Due to improvements in diagnosis and treatment, we […]
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Dear Diet
How many times can you have your heart broken before you finally say, enough is enough? Dear Diet, it’s not me it’s you. I think we should break up. And no I don’t think we can be friends. We’ve been together since my teens, when I think about it we’ve been together forever. I watched […]
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The Scales. Argh. Do They Fill You With Dread?
From my perspective there is not much going for weighing yourself as a measure of health or to track health improvement. In fact I can’t think of one positive. To be honest the only clients I routinely weigh in my practice as a Dietitian in the Penrith area are those people in recovery from anorexia […]
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The Non-Diet Diet
Research shows that dieting is almost guaranteed to result in weight regain over an above what was originally lost. Dieting is also highly likely to result in disordered eating if not a full-blown eating disorder. So why is it so widespread that it is considered normal and healthy in western society? Dieting is the answer […]
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Your Body is Wise
So, my children all had birthday parties last weekend. Three children, three parties, argh! My oldest child is my biggest lolly monster and at her friends party on Saturday evening she ate her body weight in green jelly beans. There was trampolining, table tennis and table soccer. She had a ball.