
The Importance of a Pre Pointe Assessment

Published: 06 Dec 2021

The Importance of a Pre Pointe Assessment

Going en pointe is a very exciting time in a young dancer’s ballet career.  An important step to making sure you are ready is having a pre-pointe assessment.  Here are some frequently asked questions from both parents and dancers to help you prepare for your assessment!

What is a pre-pointe assessment?

A pre-pointe assessment is a standardized assessment where a physiotherapist determines the dancer’s readiness to commence pointe work. The assessment is
derived from the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science (IADMS) guidelines and considers age, anatomical structure, dance training history, leg, trunk, and pelvic muscle strength, and current ballet training.

En Pointe assessment

Teaching young growing bodies to dance en pointe requires careful support by a highly skilled ballet teacher, and the support of an experienced physiotherapist.

What do we assess?

  • Posture and alignment
  • Strength and technique in dance specific movements i.e. tendu, relevé, jumps
  • Turnout strength and joint range
  • Ankle strength and control
  • Calf strength
  • Flexibility
  • Balance

Does my daughter need to do a pre-pointe assessment?

It is highly recommended that all dancers see a physiotherapist for an assessment to ensure a safe transition to en pointe. This allows us to thoroughly assess your body’s strength, technique, and flexibility, to help reduce any risk of injury and address any technique errors if needed.

How do I know if I am ready for a pre-pointe assessment?

Between the ages of 11-14, most girls will be asked by their teachers to progress to en pointe as they begin intermediate ballet grades.

What happens if I don’t pass the assessment?

Getting immediate approval will depend on your level of strength, technique, and prior dance training. We will create a strength program based on the findings of the assessment, and you may need 1-2 sessions to ensure you can do pointe work safely.

Do I get a report?

A report will be provided to you and your dance teacher to allow for clear communication between everyone.


  • En pointe: en pointe is a French term. In ballet, it means to dance on the tip of your toes
  • Tendu: a ballet movement where your foot and ankle are stretched or held
  • Relevé: a ballet movement where you rise onto full or half pointe from the flat of your foot.