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Frozen Shoulder: A Complete Guide
Stuck Shoulder? Here’s What You Need to Know Imagine reaching for your favourite ice cream on a hot summer day, only to realise your shoulder won’t budge. It’s stiff, painful, and simply refusing to cooperate. While the term ‘frozen’ is appealing when it comes to desserts, a frozen shoulder is anything but sweet. If you’ve […]
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Maintenance and Injury Prevention – an Athletes’ Routine
In my last blog post, I referred to my maintenance and injury prevention strategy. I wanted to tell you more about that. As an athlete, getting injured is my worst nightmare. My sport isn’t just a passion — it’s my purpose and a huge part of my identity. Staying injury-free can be tough when I’m […]
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7 Exercises You Can Do At Work
Having a desk job does not mean you have to sacrifice your health and fitness. Our team have put together easy exercise options that you can do AT WORK every day. Use natural pauses through your day – say one every 45 minutes to an hour – to do an exercise at your desk, whether […]
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Netball Injury Prevention
In netball, players are required to perform a high level of movement competency and have the physical capabilities to cope with the repetitive movement patterns in a game. Its sudden, explosive and repetitive accelerations and decelerations, repetitive landings and changes in direction heightens the risk of an injury occurring. For example: 50% of netball players […]
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Are stiff and sore knees stopping you from exercising?
Do you wake up with painful or stiff knees in the morning? Are you finding your daily walks or climbing stairs harder than usual? This is the blog for you! What is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. This joint disease is characterised by a break down in the cartilage (smooth […]
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Are there any ‘bad’ exercises?
As a Physiotherapist with previous experience as a Personal Trainer and Exercise Physiologist, and regular gym goer, it is fair to say that there is great emphasis upon exercise within my treatments. All too frequently in clinic, I am either asked questions along the lines of: “Is shoulder pressing bad for your shoulders?” “Are squats […]
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Flexible work physio style
When we often talk about flexibility to our patients, we aren’t usually referring to work hours or lifestyle. Flexibility usually means the ability to bend without breaking – or in a physio sense we start talking about your muscle’s ability to stretch to allow movement! But what about all this talk about flexible work? Does […]
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Soccer injuries – how to avoid them
You have read our article about common soccer injuries. You also know that prevention is better than cure. How do we do prevention? The literature currently suggests that injury prevention programs should include the following main elements: Plyometric exercises: Exercises that focus on using fast-twitch fibres by exerting maximum muscular force in short explosive movements. […]
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6 Most Common Netball Injuries
Netball continues to be one of Australia’s most popular team sports, with people of all ages and skill levels participating. As netball involves repeated fast stop-start movements, jumping and landing, throwing and catching, and quick direction changes, injuries of the foot, knee, shoulder and finger are very common. Injuries frequently occur from awkward landings, falling/slipping […]