In netball, players are required to perform a high level of movement competency and have the physical capabilities to cope with the repetitive movement patterns in a game. Its sudden, explosive and repetitive accelerations and decelerations, repetitive landings and changes in direction heightens the risk of an injury occurring.
For example:
Caption goes here. In netball, players are required to perform a high level of movement competency and have the physical capabilities to cope with the repetitive movement patterns in a game. Its sudden, explosive and repetitive accelerations and decelerations, repetitive landings and changes in direction heightens the risk of an injury occurring.
The NetballSmart dynamic warm-up was designed based on the background and success of the FIFA 11+. It has been designed specifically for netball players of all ages and levels to reduce the risk of injury.
Research has shown that incorporating the NetballSmart dynamic warm-up 2-3x per week into:
physiologically improves their preparation to train and play and decreases the risk of an ACL injury and other lower limb injuries such as ankle sprains by at least 40%.
Consists of 4 parts of 17 exercises: strengthening, running, dynamic preparation and netball specific preparation. Each part has different progression and regression levels depending on the netball players level and function
If you do require any more specific information around injury prevention programs or further clarification around exercises for netball, feel free to get in contact with me or any of our qualified physiotherapists at The Healthy Body Company.
Downs, C., Snodgrass, S., Weerasekara, I., Valkenborghs, S. and Callister, R., 2021. Injuries in Netball-A Systematic Review. Sports Medicine – Open, 7(1). doi:10.1186/s40798-020-00290-7
McKenzie, C., Whatman, C., Brughelli, M. and Borotkanics, R., 2019. The effect of the NetballSmart Dynamic Warm-up on physical performance in youth netball players. Physical Therapy in Sport, 37, pp.91-98. doi:10.1016/j.ptsp.2019.03.005 2022. [online] Available at [Accessed 14 July 2022].