
Tips for staying mentally and physically healthy

Published: 02 Jun 2021

Tips for staying mentally and physically healthy

The pandemic that has shaken not only our community but the whole world.

After many months of uncertainty it is quite possible that you are feeling less resilient than usual.  It is important we continue to look after our wellbeing, so that we can be our best for ourselves, and those around us. Staying mentally and physically healthy is imperative in these times of increased stress.

Here are some tips to help you look after yourself and your family.

1. Prioritising sleep

Sleep is as important to our health as eating, drinking, and breathing. As we sleep our body cells repair and rejuvenate, our brains consolidate our memories and process information. Avoid the stimulation of blue light emitted technology e.g. phones or laptops before bed.

2. Regularly exercising

This is one of The Healthy Body Company’s mantras in maintaining wellbeing. Whether you are back in the gym, or focussing on a home based program, it is important to be creative and maintain your exercise routine.  If the gym is not for you (or you can’t access it due to restrictions), use household furniture or pantry stock to do you exercises. We have a range of programs on our blog that might assist including:

You can also jump over to our YouTube channel where we have created a range of sports specific conditioning programs.

3. Eating well

I am sure we have all stocked up on a few extra isolation snacks. It is important we eat a well- balanced diet, this provides the energy you need to keep active, as well as gives us all our necessary vitamins and minerals. Avoid high sugar and fatty snacks. Keep your heart healthy, your bones strong and your body feeling fresh.

4. Openly communicating

In these tough times it is important we lean on those close to us. Continuing to talk to our families, friends, colleagues, and health professionals if we are struggling. Ask for help if needed and check in on those around us.  Combine exercise and engagement by regularly meeting a friend for a walk, jog or gym session.

5. Washing hands

This is one we cannot emphasise enough. Continue to follow the hygiene regulations, wash our hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitisers. The Healthy Body Company has taken all the necessary precautions to ensure a clean environment – as has everyone in our community!

6. Take 5

We all have good and bad days, take 5 to breathe, relax and think.

Finally, continue to do the activities you enjoy, whether it’s running, yoga, cooking or reading. Use the isolation to not fall into a slump, but to kick the physical and/or mental goals.

Our physiotherapists are here if you need exercise ideas, or if you are unsure of where to go to next.

Stay positive… be strong… look after our wellbeing.