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Ken’s Top Tips for Exercise Motivation

The pandemic that has shaken not only our community but the whole world. After many months of uncertainty it is quite possible that you are feeling less resilient than usual.  It is important we continue to look after our wellbeing, so that we can be our best for ourselves, and those around us. Staying mentally […]

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How to do: Post Training Recovery

With the sporting seasons coming into the business end, it is important that athletes and players are doing all the right things to ensure they have recovered after each training session and game. This will assist in preventing injuries throughout the season and ensuring that all players/athletes are performing at their best when it comes […]

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Powerlifting: The journey to strong (part 2)

Part 1: Deadlifting technique and cues You might have heard your coach or gym buddy yell out, “breathe into your belt!” or “shoulders back and down!” These are two of the common cues used by coaches and lifters as a reminder to keep the body in an appropriate position for the deadlift. In this article […]

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Tips for staying mentally and physically healthy

The pandemic that has shaken not only our community but the whole world. After many months of uncertainty it is quite possible that you are feeling less resilient than usual.  It is important we continue to look after our wellbeing, so that we can be our best for ourselves, and those around us. Staying mentally […]