
Have patience…

Published: 08 Apr 2016

Have patience…

We meet really interesting people all the time.  Many of our clients are busy doing amazing things, and we are privildged to support them in their pursuits.  Rebecca Andrews is one of those amazing people.  She has generously agreed to share some of her story with us. Rebecca suggested the title for this article, “Have patience…” because Rebecca believes that is been a fundamental quality for sporting success – no matter what success means to you.[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”1507″ img_size=”large” alignment=”right” style=”vc_box_outline”][vc_column_text]

Rebecca and Dimity in action at Tamworth.

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Dressage in the rain!

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Hi there. I am a 57 year old Mother of 3 enjoying life to the full. I have so many things in my bucket list I cannot even lift it!

Can you tell us more about your work and sporting activities you are currently doing?

I currently live on acreage in the Hawkesbury. I run a small business from home.  I enjoy swimming, running and most of all working my horse in order that I compete in One Day Events.

I am an active member of my local RFS and my local Uniting Church. I also enjoy raising funds for clean water wells in West Papua.

How long have you been competing in One Day Events and how has it changed over the years?

I rode horses as a kid then drifted off to boat racing, running, and then later a few triathlons. When my daughter headed off to Uni I started riding and competing again.

 Eventing over the years has become more professional and certainly safer. These days your dressage must be solid in order for you to have any hope of finishing top ten. Lessons are imperative.

What would you say is/are your most significant sporting achievement/s to date and what have you got planned in the future to achieve?

I am no hero. I have never won anything but I am always the happiest person in the event and enjoy competing!  Every event I attend I make new friends. Nothing better than that.

Have you had any minor/major injuries from this sport and how long where you injured for? 

I have found that as I have aged it has become more difficult to avoid injuries. These days I make an effort to make sure that my muscles and joints are warm and working before competing.

How did The Healthy Body Company help you and what did you get out of the treatment sessions?

After my hamstring tear I neglected to visit my physio quickly enough. I neglected myself. I  just felt it would mend in time. It would hurt but I did not stop riding! (big mistake). It became chronic and I doubted at times if I would ever ride or run again. After 3 months of 2 sessions per week I am riding again and confident of recovery. A long journey.  I am still taking it slowly.

Without Michiel van Straten’s guidance and slow recovery techniques I would have got impatient and ridden again. He was always kind and encouraging. I felt he understood my frustration with this old body of mine!

How do you prevent yourself from getting injured?

Keep doing those exercises!

Who is your favourite athlete and how does he/she inspire you?

I have so many favourites. I admire them all but one particular lady comes to mind. She would turn up to an event on her own. No helpers. She had her horse, an old car, an old float and 3 small kids and would somehow manage to do incredibly well whilst the more professional  riders with all the pricey modern gear would be left in her wake.

She was an amazing lady and always had “time” for everybody. She was humble.

Describe yourself in one word?



We would like to thank Rebecca for sharing her story, and our warmest congratulations on your sucess.  We would like to wish you success with all your future events. The photos are amazing!![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]