
Safe Summer Exercise – 4 Great Tips

Published: 08 Dec 2015

Safe Summer Exercise – 4 Great Tips

Wow it’s hot out there – but it’s still possible to keep moving and being active through the warm summer months.  Tom Hamilton has come up with 4 fantastic tips to make exercising in summer safe and more pleasurable.

Tip 1 – Time of day

Daylight saving means we are blessed with longer daylight. Try to avoid vigorous exercise outdoors between 10am – 3pm if it’s going to be a hot day. Early morning or late evening exercise is ideal. If it is not possible to exercise at these cooler times try to exercise indoors or even jump in a pool!

Tip 2 – Clothing

Wear light loose clothing. Light clothing helps to reflect the heat whilst loose clothing allows air to circulate over your skin keeping you cool. If you exercise regularly it might be worth investing in a exercise shirt or shorts which is specifically designed to keep you cool. Remember to apply sunscreen on any body part which is not protected by clothing and to re-apply every two hours, particularly if you are sweating or in and out of water.

Tip 3 – Hydration

Sweating is our body’s way to keep us cool. It is important that we hydrate (without over hydrating) before, during and after exercise to avoid overheating and possible heatstroke. Have at least one glass of water before exercise and 150-200ml every 15 minutes during exercise. It is important to have at least another glass of water again after exercise. Taking a spray bottle can also help cool skin temperature. Our sweat contains many electrolytes, sports drinks are not always necessary for replacing these. Eating fruit and vegetable will also help replenish electrolytes.

A good way to tell if you’re hydrated is from the colour of your urine. The lighter the colour the more hydrated you are. Some medications and vitamins alter the colour of your urine so this test is not for everyone.

Tip 4 – Listen to your body

The hot weather takes a lot more out of us so we may not be able to do as much as we normally do. If you feel dizzy, sick or light headed stop immediately. Sit in a cool shady area rehydrate and have snack (if available). If symptoms don’t improve seek medical attention.

Tom Hamilton Physiotherapist Penrith