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Osteoporosis and Exercise
When we think of osteoporosis we think about frail elderly ladies who are bent and have trouble walking. But what is osteoporosis? What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is the gradual loss of bone density due to deterioration of bone tissue. This loss of bone density causes bones to be frail and puts the individual at risk […]
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Joint Pain – There Is An Answer
Is joint pain taking over your life? – You may dread taking the dog for a walk, meeting up with friends for a game of golf or your garden may look as though it hasn’t been touched for years. Are you constantly reminded of your limitations when you hang the washing out or mow the […]
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Cervicogenic Headache – What Does That Mean?
Headaches are as common as they are disabling. There are many different sources of headache pain, including amoung other things, sinus and migraine. However, headaches eminating from the neck, or cervicogenic headaches, are a particular type of headache. Good news- these are highly treatable. A cervicogenic headache is a headache which originates from the cervical […]
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I’ve Slipped My Disc!!!
We’ve all heard it before, whether it be a friend, neighbour, work colleague or GP. The term “slipped disc” does get thrown around quite often. Depending on who you speak to it can mean many things but what exactly is a “slipped disc”? For those keen anatomists amongst us here is a quick overview of […]
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Physio and Diabetes
It is Diabetes Week, but what is diabetes? One of our Physiotherapist provides the basics about this disease that is already a big issue in Penrith, Jordan Springs and Caringbah communities – and it’s incidence is increasing. Did you know that for those suffering from Type 2 diabetes – regular exercise can help to keep […]
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What is it with knees?
Having a quick look at the NRL injury list 21 of the total 73 injuries currently reported by NRL players are knee injuries. Is this bad luck or poor management? What can any active person do to reduce the risk of a knee injury slowing you down? How does the knee work? The knee is one […]