Ken’s Top Tips for Exercise Motivation

The pandemic that has shaken not only our community but the whole world. After many months of uncertainty it is quite possible that you are feeling less resilient than usual.  It is important we continue to look after our wellbeing, so that we can be our best for ourselves, and those around us. Staying mentally…

Powerlifting: The journey to strong

Part 1: Progressive overload Introduction Powerlifting is a journey to making your body really strong! But this strength doesn’t happen overnight. You may wonder how powerlifters are able to lift so much weight without getting injured? You may be thinking that powerlifters must spend hours in a gym to be able to lift those weights.…

physio penrith

Fact or fiction: Running causes arthritis…

Running is a popular form of physical activity. People run because they enjoy it, it’s convenient and it’s a great way to maintain cardiovascular fitness. Despite its popularity, there is a common belief that running leads to an increase in the wear and tear of knees. But is this really true? This blog will explore…

The weekend’s regrettable break: Boxer’s Fracture

Are you currently regretting what happened last weekend?  Have you found yourself with a swollen hand after “accidentally” punching the wall.  Maybe a heavy object fell on your hand? Perhaps you’ve sustained a “boxer’s fracture”. Despite the name it is probably one of the least common injuries in professional boxing. Instead, the highest incidence of…