Gamers Thumb

Gamer’s Thumb – the not so fun side of gaming

Gamer’s love gaming.  That total immersion in a fantasy world where you are able to perform feats that you could never imagine in real life.  Did you know that too much time gaming can have real life consequences? Are you currently experiencing a constant achy pain around and below your thumb? Does it hurt when…

Physio’s treat Jaw Pain

Do you suffer from: Localised jaw pain or tenderness Clicking, popping or grating sensations of the jaw Headaches Teeth grinding Tinnitus/blocked ear Pain with chewing Inability to fully open the mouth Locking of the jaw Blocked sinus, tooth pain, neck stiffness, face numbness, twitching eyes/cheek? These are all common symptoms of TMJ dysfunction. The temporomandibular joint…

Which running shoe is best?

Are you having trouble working out which running shoes to buy?  It’s not surprising.  Think about at the options: Minimalist Stability Neutral Bare foot Rocker bottoms For all the runners out there, selecting the “right” shoe can be extremely confusing.  The task is only complicated by the amount of choice and conflicting information available to…

The weekend’s regrettable break: Boxer’s Fracture

Are you currently regretting what happened last weekend?  Have you found yourself with a swollen hand after “accidentally” punching the wall.  Maybe a heavy object fell on your hand? Perhaps you’ve sustained a “boxer’s fracture”. Despite the name it is probably one of the least common injuries in professional boxing. Instead, the highest incidence of…

Sleep and the road to recovery

How getting Zzzz’s may help you feel less pain What does sleep have to do with Physiotherapy?…. Lots!  We believe it is so important, we have talked about it before. The link between sleep and feeling better has been known for a long time. Got a busy day tomorrow?  Well “you better get a good…