While we all enjoy being couch potatoes and watching Netflix all day, or having a long gaming session, ultimately this means we are not being physically active.
Ken Truong, Physiotherapist
Here are some (pre COVID-19) statistics from The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
The Australian Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines has provided recommendations regarding preferred activity levels for different ages and are summarized below:
3-5 years of age:
5-17 years of age:
18-64 years of age:
65 years +
Moderate intensity exercises should increase your heart rate, make you breathe faster and you should develop a sweat after about 10 minutes of activity. You should still be able to manager a conversation while working out. For example, cycling at light effort.
During vigorous intensity exercise, you will feel that you are breathing hard, your heart rate will increase significantly, sweating will occur after 3-5 minutes of exercise. While exercising, you should only manage to talk in short phrases. For example, running at high effort.
Physical activity and exercise have been found to have numerous health benefits including:
It is important to integrate small bursts of activity into your day. Some ways to do this includes, walking for short trips, walking to catch a bus instead of driving, getting off the bus one stop earlier to walk, using stairs instead of escalator or lift or even parking further away to walk to your destination.
Would you like to learn more about physical activity guidelines and health benefits of being active? Go to this link. Or, here.