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Vestibulo-Ocular Dysfunction – not all dizziness is the same

Ever felt like you have sea legs but haven’t been on a boat recently? This feeling can often be associated with vertigo.    Vertigo can be a debilitating symptom of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) – where the crystals in our inner ear are moved from their normal position, we have written about that before – […]

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Concussion – What Should You Do?

“For the first time, we have clear evidence that repeated head knocks in rugby league can have a devastating impact many years after the concussion occurs.”  Dr. Alan Pearce, La Trobe University Let’s talk about concussion management following the alarming results from a study conducted at La Trobe University in Melbourne. The study was led […]

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Vertigo – what can you do?

Vertigo describes a false sensation of movement or spinning. It is often referred to as ‘dizziness’, which is a less specific term that can refer to anything from feeling light-headed or unsteady to a spinning sensation. Common Symptoms Common symptoms of vertigo include: dizziness a sense that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving. […]