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Unlocking the Secrets of TMJ: Understanding Jaw Pain

So, you’re wondering about TMJ dysfunction, right? Let’s break it down. The Temporomandibular Joint, or TMJ for short, is basically where your jawbone meets your skull. It’s a pretty busy joint, involved in talking, chewing, yawning, and all sorts of facial expressions. Inside the joint, there’s this little cartilaginous disc that helps (or sometimes hinders) […]

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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

What is it? Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a rare and debilitating condition characterised by severe pain affecting one or more limbs. The exact cause isn’t fully understood but is believed to be an abnormal response of the nervous system in response to trauma. In more than 90 per cent of cases, CRPS is […]

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Physiotherapy for headaches – when panadol isn’t enough

Headaches affect more than half of people worldwide[1]. There are many types of headaches and if you couldn’t tell from the title, physiotherapy can help relieve them! Let’s break down what headaches are and how they can be managed. There are several types of headaches, including: Tension headaches: These are the most common type of […]

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Breathing Easy: How Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy Benefits Lung Health

Are you looking to enhance your cardiovascular (heart) and respiratory (lung) health? Wondering how cardiorespiratory physiotherapy can benefit you? Look no further! In this blog post, we will explore the incredible ways cardiorespiratory physiotherapy can support your journey to better heart and lung function. Read on to discover the transformative potential of cardiorespiratory physiotherapy. What […]

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Prehab – What is it and why do you need it?

Preparing for surgery involves more than just scheduling the procedure. It’s about taking proactive steps to optimise physical function and enhance post-operative recovery. That’s where prehabilitation comes in. This growing practice focuses on the power of physiotherapy to prepare individuals physically and mentally before surgery. Understanding Prehabilitation: Prehabilitation is a proactive approach to healthcare that […]

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How To Become A Physio

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s that time of the year again where we wish all year 12 students the very best as they start their HSC. With the uncertainty of assessments for the HSC you may be worried about not being accepted into your preferred course. If you are planning on a career as a physio, you may be […]

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Vestibulo-Ocular Dysfunction – not all dizziness is the same

Ever felt like you have sea legs but haven’t been on a boat recently? This feeling can often be associated with vertigo.    Vertigo can be a debilitating symptom of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) – where the crystals in our inner ear are moved from their normal position, we have written about that before – […]

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Attention Dancers: Are you increasing your turnout safely?

It seems most young dancers are searching for the solution to improve their turnout, however aren’t seeing lasting results. Who has been guilty of sitting in front splits or “froggy” stretch for hours on end, in the hope of increasing turnout range, only to find no difference except irritation in the front of your hips? […]

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Do you have a rotator cuff tear?

A rotator cuff tear is when the tendon that connects the muscles of the shoulder blade (scapula) to the arm bone (humerus) is partially or fully torn. What is the rotator cuff? The rotator cuff is composed of 4 different muscles: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis. These muscles all have individual actions to […]

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