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Kayaking (Injuries) with Kate Eckhardt
Kayaking is an excellent low-impact sport to participate in in a hot climate like the Sydney summer. It is perfect for all ages and can be quite relaxing or very strenuous—you can pick your poison. While it has some safety risks and it is important to have instruction when learning the sport, it is a […]
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Knee injury? You can still take a hike.
Pearl presented to our Penrith clinic with a very specific concern and a very clear goal. Pearl’s story is inspirational and is a good demonstration of how an active approach can assist someone with a knee injury to live a healthy and active life. This is how Pearl reached her goals: 1. What inspired you […]
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Not “Just” an Ankle Sprain
Remember the good old times when you could refer to your ankles as right and left… instead of good and bad? Ankle sprains are very common injuries seen in our clinics and can have long term impacts on your participation at work and in sport. However alarmingly approximately 55% of patients who sustain an ankle […]
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New baby + sore arm
Becoming a new parent is the most wondrous time. During this period of your life self care is even more important than ever.
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Strength Training for Life
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The World Health Organisation (WHO) currently recommends that adults perform at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic exercise each week. Most people would already know this. However did you know the WHO also recommends a minimum of 2 days per week performing strengthening exercises, or strength […]