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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
What is it? Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a rare and debilitating condition characterised by severe pain affecting one or more limbs. The exact cause isn’t fully understood but is believed to be an abnormal response of the nervous system in response to trauma. In more than 90 per cent of cases, CRPS is […]
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Heat or cold? Here’s how to choose…
Have you ever been stuck deciding whether to use heat or cold when something is stiff or sore? Keep in mind that it is always worth contacting your healthcare provider for their professional opinion on treatment options for injuries and other medical conditions. Most recommendations on the use of heat vs cold are actually based […]
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Sleep and the road to recovery
How getting Zzzz’s may help you feel less pain What does sleep have to do with Physiotherapy?…. Lots! We believe it is so important, we have talked about it before. The link between sleep and feeling better has been known for a long time. Got a busy day tomorrow? Well “you better get a good […]
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Lets talk about cramps
Almost everyone has had a cramp once in their lifetime. Cramps can occur when asleep, during sport or sometimes you may have to stop during an activity as a result of a cramp. Two out of three athletes have experienced a cramp during sport. Usually a cramp can be felt in the calf muscle when […]
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Shoulder Pain – What Could Be The Cause?
Shoulder pain can be really debilitating. It impacts on your ability to do normal tasks during the day, not to mention the pain at night when you roll over (insert sad and tired face). So, what could be the cause of your shoulder issue and what should you do? Tom Hamilton has some great info […]
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Dry Needling – What is it?
Dry needling. Acupuncture. Is there any difference? You will know that both involve the insertion of very fine needles. Both dry needling and acupuncture use the same or very similar needles, however they vary in the theory, and the technique and location for the insertion of needles. What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is a truly ancient […]
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Vertigo – what can you do?
Vertigo describes a false sensation of movement or spinning. It is often referred to as ‘dizziness’, which is a less specific term that can refer to anything from feeling light-headed or unsteady to a spinning sensation. Common Symptoms Common symptoms of vertigo include: dizziness a sense that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving. […]
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Acute Swelling
Acute swelling from soft tissue injuries are very common especially in winter sports like soccer, netball and football, or summer sports like walking down the stairs in the dark. A soft tissue injury includes an injury to any of the connecting tissue that surrounds bones (muscles, ligaments or tendons). The most common are ligament sprains, muscle […]
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Is pain impacting on your sleep?
We all know that we need sleep. Without adequate sleep we feel terrible and unable to take on the world. According to several studies, sleep plays an essential role in: metabolism, immune function, memory and learning. Without sleep, your physical health and emotional wellbeing suffers. The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines […]