Plagiocephaly In Infants

Plagiocephaly In Infants

There are few joys in life comparable to bringing home a new baby. However, this time of excitement is often accompanied by a sense of uncertainty, especially if this is your first time on the baby rollercoaster and you’re still unsure of what to expect. Of course, there will be plenty of people along the…

ACL Caringbah

ACL – How We Can Help Prevent Injury!

The dreaded ACL injury! It’s notorious for its debilitating impact on knee stability and the long stint of rehabilitation required for return back to activity and sports. Knowing how to help prevent an ACL injury at the beginning of any sport season is a great start. What is the ACL? The knee joint comprises of…

spikey ball

Feeling Sore and Tight? Try These

We all feel muscle tightness and general stiffness from time to time.  Sometimes this can lead to pain, which might cause you to seek professional assistance, but sometimes you just want to release that tightness.  Here are some beginner level releases using either a foam roller or a spikey ball.  Give these a try, your…

Physiotherapy strength

Strength Training for Life

The World Health Organisation (WHO) currently recommends that adults perform at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic exercise each week.  Most people would already know this. However did you know the WHO also recommends a minimum of 2 days per week performing strengthening exercises, or strength…